Import Export/pt-br


This page lists the various file formats that FreeCAD can import and export. For completeness the FreeCAD native format is included in the list. Some formats have a related wiki page that can be reached by clicking on the extension in the first column.


See the following pages for additional information:

Overview of file formats

Format Description Import / Open Export / Create
*.FCStd FreeCAD native format Std Open, Std MergeProjects Std Save
*.cam FreeCAD frozen views (camera settings) Std FreezeViews Std FreezeViews
*.FCMacro FreeCAD macro (Python code) Std Import Std DlgMacroRecord
*.FCMat FreeCAD material card Std Import no
*.FCParam FreeCAD parameter file Std DlgParameter Std DlgParameter
*.FCScript FreeCAD script (Python code) Std Import Std DlgMacroRecord
*.fctb CAM tool bit file (JSON format) CAM ToolBitLibraryOpen CAM ToolBitLibraryOpen
*.fctl CAM tool library file (JSON format) CAM ToolBitLibraryOpen CAM ToolBitLibraryOpen
*.3ds 3D Studio mesh Std Import no
*.3mf 3D manufacturing format Std Import Std Export, Mesh Export
*.amf Additive manufacturing format no Std Export
*.asc Point cloud format Std Import, Points Import Std Export, Points Export
*.ast ASCII Stereolithography mesh (mostly used for 3D printing) Std Import, Mesh Import Std Export, Mesh Export
*.asy Asymptote code no Mesh Export
*.bdf FEM mesh Std Import Std Export
*.bdf Nastran mesh Mesh Import Mesh Export
*.bmp Image format Std Import, Std ViewLoadImage Std ViewScreenShot
*.bms Binary mesh Std Import, Mesh Import Std Export, Mesh Export
*.brep OpenCasCade native format Std Import, Part Import Std Export, Part Export
*.brp OpenCasCade native format Std Import, Part Import Std Export, Part Export
*.cnc G-code Std Import CAM Post
*.csg OpenSCAD Constructive Solid Geometry format Std Import Std Export
*.csv Comma-separated values Std Import, Spreadsheet Import Spreadsheet Export
*.cur Image format Std Import Std ViewScreenShot
*.dae Collada format. For Linux users: External pyCollada module required. Std Import Std Export
*.dat Common airfoil data Std Import no
*.dat FEM mesh Std Import Std Export
*.dib Image format Std ViewLoadImage no
*.dwg AutoCAD native format. Only 2D geometry is supported. External software required. Std Import Std Export
*.dxf Autodesk drawing exchange format. Only 2D geometry is supported. External software required for the legacy Python importer and the legacy Python exporter. Std Import Std Export, TechDraw ExportPageDXF
*.e57 Point cloud format Std Import no
*.emn IDF format Std Import no
*.frd FEM result CalculiX Std Import no
*.gc G-code Std Import CAM Post
*.gcad Open CAD format (obsolete, 2D-only format) Std Import no
*.gcode G-code Std Import CAM Post
*.gif Image format Std Import, Std ViewLoadImage no
*.glb GL Transmission Format no Std Export
*.gltf GL Transmission Format no Std Export
*.gv Graphviz format no Std Save, Std SaveAs, Std ExportDependencyGraph
*.html WebGL Std Import Std Export
*.icb Image format Std ViewLoadImage no
*.icns Image format Std Import, Std ViewLoadImage Std ViewScreenShot
*.ico Image format Std Import, Std ViewLoadImage Std ViewScreenShot
*.ifc Industry Foundation Classes exchange format for BIM models. For Linux users: External IfcOpenShell module required. Std Import Std Export
*.ifcJSON Industry Foundation Classes exchange format for BIM models. External IFCJson module required (must be installed manually). For Linux users: External IfcOpenShell module required. no Std Export
*.iges Older solid-based format Std Import, Part Import (with or without colors) Std Export, Part Export (with or without colors)
*.igs Older solid-based format Std Import, Part Import (with or without colors) Std Export, Part Export (with or without colors)
*.inc Povray format Std Import no
*.inp FEM mesh Std Import Std Export
*.iv Inventor V2.1 format Std Import, Mesh Import Std Export, Mesh Export
*.jpe Image format Std ViewLoadImage no
*.jpeg Image format Std Import, Std ViewLoadImage Std ViewScreenShot
*.jpg Image format Std Import, Std ViewLoadImage Std ViewScreenShot
*.json Draft annotation styles Draft AnnotationStyleEditor Draft AnnotationStyleEditor
*.json Draft style settings Draft SetStyle Draft SetStyle
*.json FEM mesh Std Import Std Export
*.json JavaScript Object Notation no Std Export
*.med FEM mesh Std Import Std Export
*.meshjson FEM mesh Std Import Std Export
*.meshpy FEM mesh no Std Export
*.meshyaml FEM mesh Std Import Std Export
*.nas Nastran mesh Mesh Import Mesh Export
*.nc G-code Std Import CAM Post
*.ncc G-code Std Import CAM Post
*.ngc G-code Std Import CAM Post
*.obj Alias mesh Std Import, Mesh Import Std Export, Mesh Export
*.obj Wavefront format - Arch module Std Import Std Export
*.oca Open CAD format (obsolete, 2D-only format) Std Import Std Export
*.off Object file format mesh Std Import, Mesh Import Std Export, Mesh Export
*.pbm Image format Std Import, Std ViewLoadImage Std ViewScreenShot
*.pcd Point cloud format Std Import, Points Import Std Export, Points Export
*.pdf Portable Document Format Std Import (image format), Std ViewLoadImage Std Export, Std PrintPdf
*.pgm Image format Std Import, Std ViewLoadImage Std ViewScreenShot
*.plmxml Siemens PLM format Std Import no
*.ply Point cloud format Std Import, Points Import Std Export, Points Export
*.ply Stanford triangle mesh format Std Import, Mesh Import Std Export, Mesh Export
*.png Image format Std Import, Std ViewLoadImage Std ViewScreenShot
*.poly FEM mesh TetGen no Std Export
*.pov Povray format Std Import no
*.ppm Image format Std Import, Std ViewLoadImage Std ViewScreenShot
*.pvtu FEM mesh Std Import no
*.pvtu FEM result VTK Std Import no
*.py Python code Std Import Std DlgMacroRecord
*.py Python module def no Mesh Export
*.scad OpenSCAD format. External software required for import. Std Import Std Export
*.shp GIS shapefile Std Import no
*.smf Simple model format Std Import Std Export, Mesh Export
*.src KRL robot trajectory no Robot ExportKukaCompact, Robot ExportKukaFull
*.step Exchange format for engineering models Std Import, Part Import (with or without colors) Std Export, Part Export (with or without colors)
*.stl FEM mesh no Std Export
*.stl Stereolithography mesh (mostly used for 3D printing) Std Import, Mesh Import Std Export, Mesh Export (binary or ASCII)
*.stp Exchange format for engineering models Std Import, Part Import (with or without colors) Std Export, Part Export (with or without colors)
*.stpz Compressed STEP Std Import Std Export
*.svg Scalable vector graphics format Std Import (SVG or image format), Std ViewLoadImage Std Export, TechDraw ExportPageSVG
*.svgz Compressed SVG Std Import (image format), Std ViewLoadImage no
*.tap G-code Std Import CAM Post
*.tga Image format Std Import, Std ViewLoadImage no
*.tif Image format Std Import, Std ViewLoadImage Std ViewScreenShot
*.tiff Image format Std Import, Std ViewLoadImage Std ViewScreenShot
*.tooltable CAM tool CAM ToolBitLibraryOpen CAM ToolBitLibraryOpen
*.tpic Image format Std ViewLoadImage no
*i1.txt FEM mesh Z88 Std Import Std Export
*o2.txt FEM result Z88 displacements Std Import no
*.unv FEM mesh Std Import Std Export
*.vda Image format Std ViewLoadImage no
*.vrml VRML Web 3D format Std Import Std Export, Mesh Export
*.vst Image format Std ViewLoadImage no
*.vtk FEM mesh Std Import Std Export
*.vtk FEM result VTK Std Import Std Export
*.vtu FEM mesh Std Import Std Export
*.vtu FEM result VTK Std Import Std Export
*.wbmp Image format Std Import, Std ViewLoadImage Std ViewScreenShot
*.webp Image format Std Import, Std ViewLoadImage Std ViewScreenShot
*.wrl VRML Web 3D format Std Import Std Export, Mesh Export
*.wrl.gz Compressed VRML Std Import Std Export
*.wrml VRML Web 3D format Std Import Std Export
*.wrz Compressed VRML Std Import Std Export, Mesh Export
*.x3d X3D extensible 3D no Std Export, Mesh Export
*.x3dz Compressed X3D no Std Export, Mesh Export
*.xbm Image format Std Import, Std ViewLoadImage Std ViewScreenShot
*.xdmf FEM mesh Fenics Std Import Std Export
*.xhtml WebGL/X3D Std Import Std Export, Mesh Export
*.xlsx Excel / Office Open XML spreadsheet Std Import no
*.xml FEM mesh Fenics Std Import Std Export
*.xml CAM tool CAM ToolBitLibraryOpen CAM ToolBitLibraryOpen
*.xpm Image format Std Import, Std ViewLoadImage Std ViewScreenShot
*.yaml FEM mesh Std Import Std Export
*.yml YAML script Std Import no
*.z88 FEM mesh Std Import Std Export
*.zip SweetHome3D XML Std Import no
job_*.json CAM job template CAM Job CAM ExportTemplate